Coverage Types
Coverage Type
New drivers might not know what type of coverage to buy or the proper limit amounts. That’s where Insurance On The Spot comes in, with helpful agents that will guide you through the entire insurance process, including a complimentary consultation.
Most people want basic car insurance that gets them the legal coverage they need at a low price. This type of insurance plan will generally not be for the minimum amounts, but not necessarily expensive comprehensive insurance.
In recent years, many people have chosen to lease their vehicle, which often requires purchasing comprehensive auto insurance. While leasing might seem a bit cheaper, the higher insurance rates should be taken into consideration.

Review Insurance Laws Near You
Your first step is to review your state insurance minimums. This will give you a starting point for the coverage you need for your vehicle. Each state has different insurance requirements and laws, so it is a good thing to familiarize yourself with your state-specific requirements. If you are moving to another area, make sure you educate yourself on those laws, so you can comply.
Some areas like Michigan and Louisiana have very different insurance laws that you need to adjust to if you are going to be moving there. Getting basic vehicle insurance will differ from each state but will always have, in general, these important categories.
1. Liability Insurance (3rd party)
Liability auto insurance - Property damage
Liability car insurance - Bodily injury
You will need additional collision coverage for your vehicle. Basic liability limits vary depending on which state you reside in, but normal limits are $20,000 for Bodily injury and $40,000 for property damage inflicted.
In recent years, some states, such as Texas, have increased the legal liability minimums, as accident expenses, such as vehicle repairs, have gotten a lot more expensive. Get a free Insure On The Spot Insurance quote near you and see how much you can save in five short minutes. To get started, just enter your zip code.
Car crash
2. Collision Insurance
If you have a really “beat up” old car that is only worth a few thousand dollars, you might want to decline it and save some money. However, as stated previously, if you are leasing a new vehicle or have an outstanding auto loan, this coverage will be mandatory. It’s also good to get if you have an expensive car that you own outright and want to protect the substantial investment you have made.
A good way to reduce your costs of this added collision coverage is to get the highest deductible that is offered. Opt for a deductible of $1,000 or higher. Also, remember to get every discount you qualify for, so you can lower your premiums even more.

3. Uninsured or Underinsured Motorists Insurance
In addition, many people carry small liability limits that may not fully pay for the costs of repairs or replacement of your car and property after an accident. Underinsured motorist’s coverage is also worth considering as it will pay for the balance after the other party’s liability insurance amounts are depleted.
Suppose you live in a large urban area like Los Angeles. In that case, about 1 in 4 drivers have no auto insurance whatsoever, so getting this coverage should be strongly considered, especially if you live in a congested urban area.
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